John on stage with Swahili Blonde. Details to follow. [updated]

Apparently, the 22+ months of not having had the pleasure to hear and see John live are over. According to numerous reports on Twitter, he has taken the stage with Swahili Blonde for the instrumental track, Dr. Teeth. Some of us are apparently physics so they woke at the right moment to publish it here-as-it-happens. The others should probably not freak out about that and enjoy it. ^_^ Grimy Goods, who have previously given away tickets for this event, report: Frusciante hits the stage with Swahili Blonde finally. You can hear it! But everyone is still very confused. Swahili Blonde! Where’s Frusciante? It’s dark back here but dude does not look like him. Not even on our photog’s shots. Swahili Blonde: a lot of Buzz and that’s it. Thanks for the one song Frusciante.(original tweet) TerrorBirdMedia reports: Aw, whoa. John Frusciante shows up for Dr. Teeth. (original tweet) More information as soon as possible. Grimy Goods appear to have had a couple of words with John. Faithful Invisible Movementarians (that sounds like a creepy sect, but it isn’t one) are on the location and everything’s functioning well at the legendary headquarters of the gang in D* number 16, so stay tuned! This photo was taken by Chris and Pat (@Summ3rOfDr3ams): This video is courtesy of YouTube user bennimonz: Many thanks to horriblemashup for the heads-up on the clip as well. Please follow and like us: