review of IOE, Germany
Many thanks to Julia Rebold, for the translation

This well-hung laxity and easiness: This can only be accomplished by people that mainly record albums for themselves- because the breaks that are existent between the records and the shows of their superbands around the world are too long to stoke them up with playing golf, beach holidays and partying. Solo-record: Just jamming again with old pals, being freed of any pressure of success, having fun and trying out things that wouldn’t be possible with the main band. What results notoriously are mainly enjoyable free time projects that are interesting- but just for the closest friends and family of the artist and maybe ingrained fans. What the chili peppers’ guitar player accomplished three years ago turned out to be a jewel: Sketchily but very intensive, driven by a restlless passion and a burning need to communicate. So to say the exact contrary of Frusciante’s new solo opus “ Inside of emptiness“. Maybe Frusciante was a bit too relaxed while proceeding to work. Maybe his hunger for trying out something new wasn’t big enough after the last coup of the Chili Peppers. The result is okay, the record burbles compliantly but here and there a bit too randomly. No it’s not disturbing- let it run. The sixth EP of the ambitious Frusciante anthology was just released. It is called „ A sphere in the heart of silence feat. Josh Klinghoffer.“.

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