
Updated link to Way Down & an interview with its director

Since the video posted two days ago was apparently on YouTube without Squeak E. Clean Productions’ permission; it was removed and the staff of Boing Boing have uploaded a new version of it at this address. There’s an interview with its director, Syd Garon. I’m posting a small excerpt here, go to the site to see it.

Xeni Jardin: Syd, can you tell us about what we’re seeing here — the story this video tells? How did you develop this visual narrative, in relation to the message of the song (about a woman who falls in love with the Devil?)

Syd Garon: Sage was painting these warring gangs of Blue Jays and Cardinals in the trees of Los Angeles and the song was about a forbidden love, you can see how the west side story naturally evolved from that, in fact it seems like it was inevitable. The pitch on this video was Winged Migration meets Straight out of Compton and I think thats how it turned out.

Don’t forget to buy the CD if you have enjoyed the song. Support N.A.S.A!

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