A John special in the August 2009 issue of Gitarre & Bass (Germany)
In the next month’s issue of the famous German magazine Gitarre & Bass there’s a seven page special on John, who’s introduced as more than a Chili Pepper. There’s also a “playalong” of Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Under The Bridge. To read more about the magazine’s current issue, which is out today, click here.
You can see the scans on their individual pages by clicking on each thumbnail, or view the whole album here.
Here’s a teaser.
He belongs to the most famous but at the same time least appreciated guitarists of our times – he’s John Frusciante. His days as a songwriter with the Red Hot Chili Peppers brought the New York-born young musician from New Tork the glory, which had almost costed him life in the mid-90s. After many years in the swamp of drugs, he managed to come back and collaborate with the Peppers again, on the successful albums that were Californication, By The Way and Stadium Arcadium. On 27th January this year, with The Empyrean, John Frusciante celebrated his 11th solo album since 1995. That’s one more reason to present you with the story of the life and works (?) of this recording artist.
UPDATE – 27th July 2009: Our friend Sabrina Samwald has translated the whole article already and you can read it by clicking here.
Many, many thanks to Markus who absolutely broke the world record by sending these scans at 9:43 in the morning on the day the magazine’s out. That’s absolutely amazing.