Events/gigs,  Swahili Blonde

Photos from the Swahili Blonde album release party

We’ve seen the first as-it-happens impressions from the Swahili Blonde album release party this morning, thanks for the wonders of the new media and its “channels”; now it’s the time for more fine-polished stuff, which will be posted as they keep on arriving.

If you have photographs of your own, please do send them over. Invisible Movement will never claim your photos as its own and if you’re an owner of another website, they will go online with your own watermark/no watermark (whatever is the way you prefer them). At the same time, this website reserves the right not to publish anything that I feel would be too intrusive/invasive. Thank you so much for sharing the love, dear friends!

The nice people (person?) of Rollo & Grady have snapped a couple of great photos and they have agreed on having an ad-free site such as Invisible Movement repost it. Thank you so much. <3 John Frusciante at the Swahili Blonde album release party by Rollo & Grady John Frusciante at the Swahili Blonde album release party by Rollo & Grady John Frusciante at the Swahili Blonde album release party by Rollo & Grady John Frusciante at the Swahili Blonde album release party by Rollo & Grady John Frusciante at the Swahili Blonde album release party by Rollo & Grady

And this photo was taken by Ari, one of Invisible Movement’s own volunteers, who went all the way from Lyon to Hollywood to attend this show, because she loves both John and Swahili Blonde. A review coming up as well as one über-cool thing. There will be more photos, too, of the entire band, as soon as we’re done with the über-cool thing. For now, enjoy one photo of John and five photos of charming young women kicking the ass out of their instruments (when you open the full page – NOT available on the front page…).

John Frusciante with Swahili Blonde

Swahili Blonde by Ari Swahili Blonde by Ari Swahili Blonde by Ari Swahili Blonde by Ari Swahili Blonde by Ari Swahili Blonde by Ari

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