Hear Letur-Lefr before you buy and get knocked down to another world!
Do you remember how The Empyrean was about quickly shifting from one mood from the other, from one atmosphere to the other? Well, you might be surprised to hear that our John can go even further, to an even more extreme height; mixing up all the possible genres that he could get hold of and having everyone – from the woman who owns his heart and the ring on his hand, to the bad boys of rap and shaolin – go his way!
So, yes, it leaked. The entire social web streams Letur-Lefr, so why wouldn’t we? It would be a crime to keep this away from anyone; and life is about making others happy. So, please do enjoy the beauty of these mere sixteen minutes from a random person’s stream and then, after you’ve returned from wherever it has taken you to, BUY IT! Especially given that the rip circling around appears to be done only at 128 Kbps force-converted to 320 and the sound quality is nothing like the real thing.
Someday we’ll all be proud for owning one of the most eclectic pieces of the music history.

What others say about it
And while this is hardly the first time Frusciante has ventured into electronic music in his solo work, it’s hard to think of anything he’s done that’s quite so genre-crossing or wonderfully weird.
– Exclaim.ca
Glorious weirdness
– Antiquiet
Buy it if you have not already!
Buy the album if in USA and bundle if anywhere in the world
Get the vinyl outside of USA
Get the CD outside of USA
A bunch of places you can get all but the bundle in Japan
Japanese SHM-CD for folks in Europe and nearby
If nothing else works for you for the CD
If nothing else works for you for the vinyl
These are all the options I know of and the four top ones are preferred and the best way of supporting our artist and the hard-working people behind him. If nothing, absolutely nothing works for you, respond and I will see if somebody can help you out. It would be a shame for you not to have this.