
from Leftlion.co.uk
thanks to LAFender

This is a solo album from Red Hot Chilli Peppers guitarist John Frusciante.

It does hit plenty of the right notes although it is fairly short. A predominately moderate rock based album with hints of 70`s The Who live, The Dead Kennedies whilst bringing in the 90`s grunge scene with Nirvana influences and of course the Chili Peppers edge is still there. Devoid of any extravagant, technical solos, also no funky bass more the bass line of a regular four piece. Distortion on the guitar is evident throughout with some Chili Peppers style chunky chords more to the fore than the bass.

I like the powerful opener to kick the album off, most likely to be a single release, What I saw. The World`s Edge vocals sound peculiarly like Cat Stevens . Back to American grunge rock with Inside a Break. A Firm Kick packs in some full bodied chords whilst being slightly melodic at the same time. Slightly repetitive chord sequence in Look On although covered in part by a neat solo. Up tempo Emptiness is a smart tune with a Green Day style bass line. Cleaner sounding I`m Around is one of the more depressing songs on the album. 666 is more grunge again. Interior Two has a certain punch and roll to it. The album closes with Scratches a down tempo catchy ending.

by James Radford

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