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John nominated for a LA Weekly music award

John has been nominated for this year’s LA Weekly Music awards, in the category best home 4-, 8-, OR 16-track recording, together with Petra Haden and Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti.

As said on the website:
The annual LA Weekly Music Awards is coming June 14th to the Henry Fonda Theater! Headlined by Los Angeles heroes X (who will also receive a Lifetime Achievement Award), this year’s awards also feature gangster-robots-made-good 8-Bit, and some of the best DJs ever to spin vinyl in LA. Rock stars, hip-hop stars, radio DJs, and at least one or two bona fide Pop Giants will also be on hand to celebrate the stellar nominees for this year’s awards.

Tickets can be purchased here and the complete list of the nominees in all the categories is available here.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed, guys 😀

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