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John and TMV together on stage…again

This was happening before. John was with TMV during almost all of their set when they opened for SOAD in Long Beach Arena. Here are the first reviews of the show.

Opening for System at the sold-out Long Beach Arena in California were fellow guitar-heavy, counter-culture rockers the Mars Volta, who provided a far more visual show with oversized psychedelic projections. Guitarist Omar Rodriguez-Lopez was in fine form after recovering from a stomach ailment that forced the band to cancel its European tour dates earlier this year. And while rumors of an onstage collaboration between Rodriguez-Lopez and System frontman Serj Tankian proved to be just that, Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante surprised the audience by guesting on nearly the entire Mars Volta set.

( full article )

While System continue to take more risks onstage, the band is doing the same with its business decisions, the big one this fall being the invitation to the Mars Volta to open the tour (see “System Of A Down/ Mars Volta Tour Dates Announced”). “They make great music,” Malakian said backstage. “It’s that simple.”

Well, not exactly. While both bands have been dubbed leaders of a new progressive-rock movement, System are still a metal band at heart, while the Mars Volta are more of a psychedelic jam band.

During its hour-long opening set — which was about two hours less than the group’s typical show — the eight-piece band performed four numbers: the five-minute, crowd-pleasing single “The Widow,” and three obviously extended jams, two from Frances the Mute and one from De-Loused in the Comatorium. For one of the epics, Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante strolled onstage unannounced and joined Omar Rodriguez-Lopez for a spellbinding guitar trip.

Singer Cedric Bixler Zavala only addressed the audience once (“Take care of each other out there,” he said. “I don’t want to see any testicles flying in the air”), but made up for it with his dead-on vocal performance throughout the Mars Volta’s show. It might not be the most accessible voice in rock, but it could be the most powerful.

( full article here )
If anyone was lucky enough to be there, your reviews would be much appreciated. Thanks:)

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