
John did it again…

…he performed with The Mars Volta, that is. Here’s a short “report”, as said by Sandra from the RHCP BBS.

John played with the Mars Volta again last night in Santa Barbara during L’Via again, and this was the most insane L’Via they’ve ever played. If a recording surfaces soon, everyone should get it and listen to it. Usually at the end of L’Via, a four-way solo happens between Ikey (keyboards), Omar, John, and Adrian (sax/flute/misc. percussion, but on this song, he does a flute solo). So the first round went as usual. On the second round, Omar started his solo but then John joined him. They were going crazy together and then Jon (drummer) kicks in and all three of them go absolutely MAD!! It was the most incredible, incredible L’Via jam I’ve ever witnessed. It was longer than the “solo” was supposed to be so Adrian was left waiting, but after a while, he finished the song. It was so beautiful!! Most incredible L’Via performance ever.

Throughout the show, John was dancing on the side and having fun, watching them and smiling and having a good time. It was great to see him play with the Mars Volta again. His hair is so long! (just had to throw that in there, haha!) And he used his red guitar again.

I will do my best to try and hook you guys up with some media from the show. The server this website is on is having major problems, so that might be later…

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