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Apparently, John is a “Guy Candy”

And now something completely different…

This article bit might be interesting to some of the site viewers…it’s from this week’s edition of the British “NEW!” magazine, where they somehow selected John to be the “guy candy” of the week.

This Week’s Guy Candy is John Frusciante

Red Hot Chili Peppers’ guitarist and songwriter John Frusciante is, according to various people who perhaps don’t get out enough, “simply a genius”. John believes that “the air is more important than solid things”, he’s said to be Chilis’ “secret weapon”, he has an “inspired madness” and his music “speaks straight to your soul”. Another fan, though, describes him as “one good lookin’ piece of ass”, which rings rather more true with us.

Really, when did playing guitar become the equivalent of reaching spiritual nirvana? Will he help you with the big shop on Saturday? Is he funny? Is he kind? Has he ever read a book? Can he make a decent cup of tea? Is he absolutely beautiful? These are the questions to ask, ladies. And the answers, we can definitively tell you, are: it didn’t and never will; he’d probably get it delivered because he’s a rock star; maybe; probably – look at those eyes; yes; probably not, Americans don’t understand tea; and yes, baby, praise the Lord!

Hope this was entertaining, thought it certainly isn’t very deep.
Many thanks to Abby for the article.

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