
Shavo Odadjian has more news on AchoZen

As per

Shavo Odadjian recently spoke to the Artisan New Service about ACHOZEN, his collaboration with WU-TANG CLAN founder The RZA. Shavo and The RZA plan to have ACHOZEN’s debut album finished by the end of January but have not yet set a release date for the concept record as they decide what the best way to distribute the set will be.

“This isn’t a commercial hip hop record, you know what I mean? It’s got stories and it’s an adventure. It’s a musical experience. It’s a lot to take in. I don’t expect everyone to hear it and go, ‘Oh, I get it.’ No, no, no. Each song is different on another tip. We recorded it in a room, without a vocal booth. I mean, this is such a from the heart record. Everyone that came in and did anything just, you know, did it from their heart. I got John Frusciante from the RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS to play on a track. He played guitar and ripped it up. Just a couple of takes and a couple of comps and boom.”

You can read the whole article here and watch the interview here, in case you’re interested.

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