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A chance to win Bang Face weekender tickets if you create a cool banner and attend a party

If you live in UK (or can be there on Friday) and have not managed to acquire tickets for the Bang Face weekender or you have heard about John and Venetian Snares performing there way too late; there’s a chance for you to win free tickets for the event!

On 13th March, Bang Face hosts their Virus Alert party in London; and there will be a banner slogan competition involved. The best submitted banner slogans will win free entry and be put to good use at Camber Sands. Existing ticket holders will be refunded if they win. The tickets for this party are available through a 24h ticket distributing system as well as in some record shops; they cost £10 and you can read more about this by following this link. Good luck!

For everyone who already has tickets and IS going to the Weekender, there’s a cool page with some downloadable masks and more info on this year’s theme of the event here.

And, to remind you, you can see the whole line-up here.

Bang Face is also on Facebook, Myspace and they have a forum.

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