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A John feature in March issue of Wan2 (Hungary)

In the March issue of Hungarian magazine Wan2, there’s a 4-page feature on John, focusing on the development of his career throughout the years and, of course, The Empyrean. To read more about the magazine’s current issue, go to its website.

You can see the scans on their individual pages by clicking on each thumbnail, or view the whole album here.


Here’s a teaser to keep you guys intrigued until the whole article has been translated:

When a member of the band that has millions of fans is concerned; perhaps we’re wondering if he could just go to his day job and pick the remainings of work from the floor next to the desk? He could. But the Red Hot Chilli Peppers’ guitarist is not like that – he’s definitely not recycling material when creating his solo music.

Many thanks to Máté for the scans and Robert for translating the teaser.

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