Events/gigs,  Speed Dealer Moms

An update on Bang Fest – more acts to be announced & its own subforum on Ravetalk

Bang Fest update - 11th June 2009For all of you heading to Bang Fest in August, this is just a little heads-up.

Tomorrow, on 12th June 2009, more acts will be announced on the BANG FACE 67 – TO BANG OR NOT TO BANG event. These will be addition to the existing line-up. If you want to go to that rave and are curious about who else will peform at the Bang Fest, it takes place from 9pm – 6am at Electrowerkz, 7 Torrens Street, Islington, London EC1V 1NQ.

For everyone who’s not aware, there’s a sub-forum for Bang Fest at the awesome If you need any additional information, people to go with, get a close-up of what to expect in August, that’s the place to go.

Also, Bang Face events are on Dontstayin, Facebook and Myspace.

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