Saturday question #42: Ten events that shaped the noughties?
As promised last week, until the end of 2009, all editions of Saturday questions will be about the noughties (2000-2009) – what was cooking, what was good, what was bad, what we did, what they did. So, starting from a global point of view.
What are, in your opinion, ten events that shaped the noughties? Both good and bad.
Since this question might cause arguments and dispute, I am asking all of you to watch your words, be civilised.
For those who don’t know: Saturday questions are a weekly meme on Invisible Movement where the site visitors get their own say. The questions are of a broad range, some of them are directly connected to the site subject and music, some are wonderfully irrelevant and some are very random. This is just a little way for everyone to interact, especially when it comes to people who don’t visit the forum.
For previous Saturday questions, click here. Everyone’s welcome to suggest a question to ask Invisible Movement’s visitors, by sending me a message as well as a DM or @reply to site’s Twitter.