Black Knights - Deja Vu

Music video premiere: Black Knights – Deja Vu

Two months after Medieval Chamber, the first out of their three albums with John, has seen the light of the day, Black Knights now have a music video, directed by Jordan Tappis. The track to be graced with a visual is Deja Vu.

You can watch the video here or on its YouTube page. Don’t forget to leave a kind comment and subscribe to the label’s channel.

This is what Rugged Monk said about the video for VICE.

“The idea for Deja Vu started with me and John when we were in the studio recording music for the Medieval Chamber. Some music was playing I just happened to walk in front of the TV projector and John noticed the words and images projecting off of me as I was just rapping in my zone. He said, ‘Hey Monk ‎that’s pretty cool in the future just as a thought we should do a video like that.’ So it kinda came inadvertently but worked itself in to activation.”

And, in case you’re wondering why John is not in the video, here’s the closest-to-official explanation; straight from the Black Knights themselves.

In case you have not listened to the album yet, you can order it via Black Knights’ website.

What do you think about the video? Do you like it?

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