Foregrow: formats, availability and lyrics to the title song
Today is the day Foregrow is being released. So, how do you actually obtain it? In how many formats does it exist? What’s the lyrics of the title song, the only one with vocals? Right this way!
To our knowledge, there are three editions of Foregrow: the Record Store Day vinyl release limited to 1000 copies, the Japanese CD and the CD reserved for all the other areas.
Vinyl Edition
The vinyl edition of Foregrow is a Record Store Day release and what matters in terms of being able to obtain it is a) if there is a record store near you that participates in RSD, b) if the store’s supplier would carry RSD Limited Run / Regional Focus Releases AND, if so, if they can carry this particular album.
In order to figure this out, go to list of participating stores and allow the website to access your location. If there’s a store near you participating in RSD, you should be able to see it on the map. If this store is in your city and country, go ahead, phone them, e-mail them, Facebook message them and ask them if they’re carrying Foregrow by John Frusciante.
From what we have been able to determine – sadly, from our own experience – Record Store Day is too mainstream to be 100% credible, preference is given to things that will sell and mainstream material. It is VERY unlikely that stores in most countries not known for stellar record sales by independent artists, will be carrying this record! You may have to resort to overpriced second-hand copies!
Japanese CD
The Japanese CD is NOT a Record Store Day release, as far as we are aware. It has been available for a couple of days now…
???ROCK?JOHN FRUSCIANTE????Foregrow??????????????180???TRICKFINGER??????????EP???????????????????…???????????????? pic.twitter.com/U9BxcK8Vbi
— ????????????? (@TOWER_SapporoPv) April 15, 2016
…and you can obtain it through pretty much any online and offline store if you’re in Japan; and in usual places such as Amazon if not. This CD comes with what appears to be an editorial letter, which may or may not contain anything new. We’re waiting for the confirmation from somebody who can read Japanese.
Lyrics to Foregrow, which you can also read as text only.
This is the very same CD that is sold on German Amazon and similar outlets at the moment, with the ASIN B01C5UQYWK.
European CD
There appear to be two different ASIN codes for this, so proceed with caution.
This release is not out yet, and release dates vary from April 29th to May 20th.
As of April 20th, copies from Italy have been popping up on eBay and elsewhere, therefore, it’s out in Italy.
You can pre-order this CD on Amazon, Boomkat or pretty much any decent website.
Digital Version
No words on this yet, but our best guess is that it will be out once the European CD is. There are no free digital download coupons available with the vinyl record.
Some pictures
We do not own any of these three items yet, so you’ll have to excuse us for embedding the heck out of things!
Instagram photo we used as the thumbnail courtesy of geochierchia.
* Many thanks to TL_ and Leni for their help in compiling this – goat knows it’s hard for this Ewok to search the web with six fat little fingers!