
New Black Knights’ Album, Excalibur, Is Out!

The wait is over. Excalibur, the third collaboration between the Black Knights and John is out.

It costs $12 and you can buy by e-mailing the duo from their bandcamp page, at if you want .wav files; or go to their new website, Black Balled Entertainment to order the CD for the same amount of money. Domestic shipping is $5, international $12.

1. Royal Bloodline 03:24
2. Head Above Water 03:35
3. Pocket Full Of Hallows 03:42
4. Sir Lancealot’s Love 06:27
5. Medieval Chronicles 04:41
6. Mind Elevation 02:54
7. Lab Rat 04:22
8. Saturday’s Children 04:13
9. Prince Valiant And The Scarlet 04:40
10. Scroll Of Excalibur 05:55

The back cover, with production credits

Here is the duo’s announcement:

Here’s why the wait was “long”:

And here’s more on that from late last year:

* Many thanks to Marley, for the heads-up and Shalhevet, for the back cover scan.

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