Interview for Giornale della Musica: “John Frusciante Goes Clubbing”
Giornale della Musica interviewed John some days ago and posted it yesterday. The conversation was centered around the release of Maya and John’s love of electronic music. And, just like in good old times, we had a wonderful person translate it almost immediately.
An excerpt:
“When I was a teenager I wondered what I should say as a musician. On the one hand I wanted to express what I felt and at the same time I saw that artists were expressing themselves within rather narrow boundaries. At first I thought it was paradoxical, but I came to discover that working within boundaries is the thing that most encourages originality. So I set limits for myself, in different ways for different situations.
On Maya I go as far as I can within those limits. In the last twelve years I have learned to apply my sense of melody to the drums and to use melodic instruments to support the drums. This is the opposite of melody and rhythm roles in pop / rock. I have also learned to think in terms of spatial sound relationships rather than just notes and rhythms. It is the notes that serve the sound, rather than the sound that serves the notes.
Music is about the soul, but it is also about finding new ways to use your mind and we have the history of recorded music to help us do that. I always find new ways to look at music and new lines to think about. We are lucky to live during this phase of recorded music. There are more possibilities now than ever before, it’s really about understanding how to limit yourself and then channel as much energy as possible into those boundaries.
Read the entire interview in our press section.
Many, many thanks to Andrea Maselli for a quick translation and Shalhevet for finding it (as she always does, tbh).