Mike Watt and the Missigmen @ Stadthalle, Vienna (2)

Unedited Info from a Meticulous Enthusiast

19:30- 20:14
John joined them again for one song


At my second RHCP show in the Austrian capital, I have somehow made it to right below John’s pedals, thanks to two big and strong guys who were definitely better at hiding their cameras and running than I would ever be! My Russian friend Dmitri and I have both been to the previous night’s concert and we were telling our Croatian friend Å ime about John joining Mike Watt and the Missingmen onstage and all three of us concluded that it could’ve been an one-off occasion; secretly wishing it would occur again, as the word got around.

Halfway into Watt’s set, John once again ran onto the stage, wearing a baby-blue T-shirt and playing his Strat on the stairs already. This time it was for just one song – short and sweet. It was a great prelude for a great concert.

In March 2014, I met Mike Watt when he played in the now-defunct Gun Club here in Belgrade, we had a nice chat and asked him to sign my concert ticket from Vienna. He was quite surprised, but he agreed to it and we both reflected on John’s cameos at both shows. Of course that they had been planned ahead.

Mike Watt, Raul Morales, Tom Watson and John – photo by George

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