MTV2 Gonzo interview, 2004

Zane Lowe: Ah the album, Shadows Collide With People has a few, it feels like it’s got more what people would term ‘traditional production values’ to it? I don’t know if you’d take that as a compliment I hope you do. It’s got like a much richer, warmer sound, like you’ve spent more time on the whole making it sound like on a whole like a complete piece of music that a lot of people can listen to and not just people who are fans of your previous albums, is that fair to say, would you think?

John Frusciante: Well it was recorded in the traditional way meaning it was recorded in a recording studio…

Zane Lowe: [Interrupts] A nice recording studio, like, like with lots of buttons and…

John Frusciante: [Interrupts] Yeah, the same ones that the Chili Peppers record at, and, and, and um, yeah I mean, my other records were recorded at home so, yeah I suppose it’s a certain sort of stretch of the ear for people who are accustomed to listening to…

Zane Lowe: [Interrupts] But ironically on the other side of the coin for people who aren’t and I suppose a lot of people given that you know, you’ve been making music with the Chili Peppers for a few albums now, will probably come to your own records for the first time maybe they haven’t heard To Record Only Water For Ten Days, ah it would be like a really nice warm opening listen you know what I mean?

John Frusciante: Yeah I know it’s an album I’m really proud of, it’s the first time that I’ve ever actually had an idea for an album and actually seen through it to, through to its completion. Um, other records, you know, cos there were demo tapes I made at home of all these songs [Indicates to the Shadows CD] but, but uh, I didn’t just stop there, whereas with the other albums that’s where it stopped…

Zane Lowe: [Interrupts and drowns out John’s speech] Yeah, this one you know you produced it, you got friends in to help you create the sound, and like I said it’s got a really light and optimistic sound feel to it as a record I really enjoy listening to it. Let’s talk about some of these people that you collaborate with as well. This guy Josh Klinghoffer right, who seems to have a fairly substantial role in the record? Who’s he?

John Frusciante: Mm-hm. He’s probably my best friend, he’s 24 years old now, um, he was 23 at the time we made the record, and um, he’s, ah, he’s a very great musician all the way round he’s played bass, guitars, keyboards, drums, sings, and he does everything great, and so he’s my favourite person to collaborate with when it comes to my solo music because ah, we think very much the same way…

Zane Lowe: [Interrupts] Well he’s your mate isn’t he so it’s….

John Frusciante: Yeah, he’s my best friend and we think very much the same way but at the same time my, my perception of my own songs is very tied to the fact that I, that I write those rhythms I write those chords and I write that melody so that is the song to me whereas, he’s able to sort of read in between the lines…

Zane Lowe: [Talks over John] He’s got some different perspective.

John Frusciante: [Continued speaking despite the interruption] In a way that I’m not y’know, so he, so he uh, Chad Smith plays the drums but Josh wrote all the drum parts, ’cause he played on the demo tapes, and uh, he’s just a really creative person and I expect him to do a lot more but..

Zane Lowe: But you’ve got him on the record.

[Video: Hundred Reasons – What You Get]

[Video: The Pixies – Here Comes Your Man]

Zane Lowe: Little more time with John on the couch right now straight to the planet for your questions ah best piece of…actually i should give this person an extra special shoutout cos definitely one of your biggest fans, uh ‘Frushantee Ladies’, uh, best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

John Frusciante: Hmmm. [On screen: “thinks for a bit…”]

John Frusciante: Yeah I. [On screen: “bit more uncomfortable silence…”]

[On screen: “bit more uncomfortable silence…”]

John Frusciante: One of them was…

John Frusciante: …that I can’t expect things to, I can’t expect the world to just come to me, you know, you’ve got to go out and get whatever it is that you expect of the world, you know, you can’t expect the world to bring it to you on a platter, which I think for a long time I spent years thinking that that was going to take place, and whatever you want…

Zane Lowe: And it’s good advice man, from a gentleman who’s done just that.

John Frusciante: Yeah, so you know, I’ve learnt myself too, and yeah, ok, that’s a good one.

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