Fahrenheit128.com review of TROWFTD
2001, from fahrenheit128.com
Review by: Bacchanal + MARYALLL
John Frusciante is well known for his drug addictions and for being the prodigal son of the Chili Peppers. It must be bad when you’re the druggie of the Chili Peppers. Actually as it turns out, Frusciante is a pretty damn good musician too. Frusciante’s previous album, Niandra Lades & Usually Just A T-shirt, was an off the wall album of personal lyrics, screaming, and an occasional glimpse of Frusciante’s guitar mastery. It’s the kind of album one makes when they’re really really strung out…or so I’ve heard.
To Record Only Water For Ten Days is a bit more controlled and down to earth, but it certainly isn’t traditional or uninteresting. Linda Laban, a CDNOW contributing writer, writes, “Unlike the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ anthemic rap-funk-rock offerings, the third solo album from the band’s recently returned guitarist, John Frusciante is filled with obtuse lyrical poetry and often hazy and otherworldly music that is occasionally spiked by bristly tangential passages.” Now, I don’t know what the fuck bristly tangential passages are or what they sound like, and I wouldn’t call this music otherworldly (unless I were comparing it to George Straight or something), but I can tell you that Frusciante rocks. On this album, Frusciante combines his haunting voice, guitar prowess (served in electric and acoustic), and some very well done electronic music. Frusciante’s lyrics are dark and personal…kind of like his life one would imagine. Song’s like Going Inside, and With No One really sink in.
Often times people say that it takes a couple times to listen to an album to feel it’s full effect or to really appreciate it. In my case at least, this is not one of those albums. To Record Only Water For Ten Days blew me away from track 1. This is rock music like it’s supposed to be…passion and emotion.
How I would rate this album (1-10):
Artistic style – 9
Production – 8
Instrumental – 10
Lyrics – 8
Overall Score – 8.75