Harsh soundscapes
The beginning – a hollow knocking and sounds from a synthesizer with a minimal range of variation but a subliminally startling appeal – may seem strange for someone who frequently appears in „All-Time-Best“ lists of guitar heroes. In case of John Frusciante, however, such a beginning is nothing out of the ordinary: if one is at least in part familiar with his countless solo records and collaborations with loose band-constellations, one will not make the mistake of considering this introduction an extravagant gimmick after which things will get back to business as usual (guitar rock music).
Admittedly, there would be a certain logic to such expectations: John Frusciante’s fame is mostly based on his unstable but defining period of membership in the Red Hot Chili Peppers. And rightfully so, since with Frusciante, the Chili Peppers have created their best albums: „Blood Sugar Sex Magik,“ „Californication,“ and „By The Way“ in particular. However, there is a disproportional relation between the fame that Frusciante has received for his stand with the Chili Peppers and the significance of said time for the whole of his creative work.
Basically, John Frusciante’s work can be said to have one focus, namely to create a form of Ambient Music in Pop with the guitar, that classic vehicle of conventionality in rock music. “Enclosure“ goes one step further than his previous records: While Frusciante only uses his guitar at specific points, he builds impassable, rugged and unwelcoming musical mountain chains by piling up electronic sound blocks and the frequent sputtering of drum machines.
Yet he does not fall prey to an unfounded, quasi-avantgarde attitude, but instead populates his soundscapes with genuinely grand songs. With his impressive lamenting voice and his intelligent lyrics on the conditio humana, Frusciante tops off this magnificent album.
* You can read the original review here