Glenn Hughes - Music for the Divine

Glenn Hughes – This Is How I Feel

June 09, 2006 – Europe [Frontiers Records] Cat. Nr: FR CD 287,
EAN: 8024391028728
Jan 30, 2007 – USA [Demolition Records] March 23, 2007 – Australia [Sony BMG Records]

Actually the album Music for the Divine was released in early June, and I must say it’s an amazing album, John plays guitar and backing vocals in the awesome cover of one of my all life favorite songs “Nights in white satin” besides the new track “this is how I feel” and it’s been said that most likely he will collaborate with Hughes again, well about Chad we all know they are close friends and he has toured with him many times not to mention he plays in his albums and also produced last one that was recorded in Chad’s house.

in those links you can find articles and news about John’s collaboration, the recording work, Hughes nice comments about John and more

Hughes is a very nice man, not to mention a great artist (that’s out of discussion) who usually is online and sometimes talks with his fans

And I’ll see him in late Sept near Madrid!!! Yahoo!


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