Warpaint – Billie Holiday

Album: Exquisite Corpse EP
Release date: 06th October 2009
Label: Manimal Vinyl
Mediums: CD, vinyl, digital
Before Warpaint got signed with the legendary Rough Trade label and released their 2010 critically acclaimed debut full-length, The Fool, their debut EP Exquisite Corpse had a couple of incarnations. First it was self-released in 2008 and sold on their shows, then it witnessed a second release through Manimal Vinyl late in 2009. John mixed all the tracks on this extended play, and he also played mellotron on the song Billie Holiday. On the third version of the EP, there’s an additional track, Krimson, that John did not mix.
John has been supporting Warpaint since the beginning, as it was conceived during his mid-2000s relationship with its frontfrau Emily Kokal and he was a frequent guest at their shows, sometimes in the audience, sometimes as their low-profile sound manipulator. Kokal thanks him and cites him as a main source of inspiration in almost all of her interviews. Most of the reviewers hint on his presence during the breakthrough time as well and/or list him amongst the band’s famous fans, alongside the late actor Heath Ledger.
On the other side, John mentioned Warpaint in just one of his interviews, in Mike Watt’s Watt From Pedro podcast, in January 2009. He said that Warpaint are friends of his and that they make music that really expresses things that he feels inside.
Billie Holiday
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Warpaint’s official site