Ataxia - AWII

The Soldier

I fell in line for your contry
You take mine in a deep faa..
It’s about time missing I’m afraid(?frame) not
Back and laid we come undone


I’ve realized I’ve beat my brains out
It feels right in a Jesus halo
I walked back to the old farming up
And looked back but it’s not the same goal

I’m on time
To cross that line
And your dreams all come back
And the scenes all go black

More time the dream is over
I shoot again to the greatest soldier
..scared but that’s how things go
what I see it…above the same goal/God

Cross the heart of the sounds of a windback
Memories canyone? have
I ^??? loss ?? but it c?ame back
We are the face consequence of that/death

I believe in cheating a ghost
lines legannoze
man between see
I read books but don’t last to the first page

Life on lying/line
Dreams expire
And they never come back
You’ll forever have that

I fell alive for your country
You take mine ina deep
so bout time sing im afraid not
without a *** for all I’ve done

I realize I’ve beat my brains out
It feels right in a Jesus halo
I wore it back to the old farming up??
We looked back but it’s not the same b?o

I think twice
It’s my advice
I wish you give it back
It’s certain thought??? laaaaack

We know too well the dream is over
You throw a world over your shoulder
The..must have begun
for..— these/ideas i’ve shown?

fall walls … crack in
a miscounting was all that was happening
we moved out of foundations
we go down cause we’ve reached/with each topic

Life unlieing
Dream expired
And they never come back
You forever have that

A’ more time the dream is over
I shoot again to the greatest soldier
The dead escaoe but that’s how things go
What I see is d?above same goooo…

the same goal

I believe in cheating a ghost
tears lines so legannoze
Sat a man between
I read books but don’t last to the first page
Last to the first page

* Transcribed by Dennix
* An Ataxia song with John on lead vocals.
* Demo of this song exists on the AWII demo bootleg, accidentally leaked in March 2006.

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