The first part of Hillingdon Mind interview featuring handwritten lyrics of Today is UP!
The first part of an exclusive interview with John is up on Thanks to the kindness of the interview’s author, Chris Phillips, Invisible Movement was given the right to post an exclusive teaser. I believe that this particular part of the interview will be really interesting to the writers and poets amongst John’s listeners. Why?
The first par of the interview is based around the benefits of writing. Here’s what John initially responded when he was asked about it.
“It’s been really good for me. I think it’s being able to see the mind from an exterior position. It’s another one of the issues that come up especially with people who have mental imbalances: that you’re trapped in your mind; there’s no escape. It’s like being imprisoned. You’re inside yourself, you’re inside your body, your thoughts are inside your mind- you can’t escape. Your thoughts aren’t just moving along in some kind of cosmic orbit, they’re determined by your surroundings and your conditioning. The realisation of the inability to escape from it, not being able to step out of your mind- the more you think about it, the more overwhelming it can become- especially when you’re not happy with the thoughts that are in your mind, you’re not happy with your surroundings, and you’re not happy with the way people have treated you.”
Update: Lyrics to one of The Empyrean bonus tracks, Today have been attached to the article.
Continue reading by clicking here or by going to and finding the proper link in the site’s news (in the middle of the page). And there will be some more interesting things to come in the further parts of the interview, so do keep your eye on the website.
You can follow the discussion about this extraordinary interview in this thread on the BBS or, as usual, by replying to this news item.