Two conceptual wallpapers for Invisible Movement visitors!
Given how beautiful Sarah Sitkin’s photos from The Empyrean covershoot were and how I just wanted to give you all a decent wallpaper. I’m not a fan of the last two I made, though some people should think twice before they send a rude comment to a person who’s actually in Adobe-approved college programme. So, coming up with something based on those photos that is deserving of the album’s beauty was too hard. What makes it extra hard is that there’s a whole palette of screen resolutions amongst the site’s visitors. I pulled the most common ones from Google Analytics.
And so, I came up with two wallpapers in a series. I hope you’ll like them. The screen resolution they were indended for is 1280×1024, but they’re also available in 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×800, 1440×900 and 1680×1050. The last pair might come up wonky because the original images were not intended to be stretched to such a size.
Click on the wallpapers to get them in 1280×1024 from the gallery and scroll down for other sizes.
800×600: Part 1 and part 2
1024×768: Part 1 and part 2
1152×864: Part 1 and part 2
1280×800: Part 1 and part 2
1440×900: Part 1 and part 2
1680×1050: Part 1 and part 2
And this is for everyone who asked for icons. I am seriously not into icons, as they represent the side of popular culture I don’t like, and I’d prefer it if people would have trees or their own photos as avatars; but anyway, these wallpapers proved to be a good starting base for creating some icons where it’s even hard to determine what’s on them. Feel free to grab them.