Give a little love in return…with a heart!
Errr…hello, Invisible Movement visitors, this is your webmaster. You wanted to “hear my opinion on this”, as if it would matter, so here you go.
Way too many people have asked me super-bizzare stuff for the past couple of days: to change every single bit of text that says John is the guitarist of Red Hot Chili Peppers, to change the keywords for the site, to do this…to do that. Some even asked if this site would go on (and why wouldn’t it? O_o). On the other side, I was confused by how many people were suddenly inviting their friends to join their “I want John Frusciante back in RHCP” Facebook groups, use their hashtags on Twitter and such.
And I was wondering, why hurry? What kind of times are these? What are you all doing? Stop for a minute.
I assume the modern times – where we were taught to observe humans of flesh and blood as some sort of playthings that exist to be absorbed, consumed and replaced once there’s nothing more to consume, just because they happen to be known to most of major public – have twisted many people’s perceptions. I find it strange. If you see someone as a person like you, you don’t go against their will. You don’t go around guessing what they might be thinking. You don’t insult them in public. You do not automatically assume that everything they do – they do it for you (sorry, Mr. Adams, don’t sue me!). Everyone needs some space for themselves, their own world and their own decisions. And that is my “opinion”, regardless of who the person is. It’s based on experience, years of learning through doing this here, falling in quicksand, hitting the poles with my face and similar.
Looking around the internet for the news items on John’s departure, I saw people write some really nasty things. Some others acted as if we all witnessed a person die, god forbid. There was either negativity or panic everywhere. And I know we’re all better than that. I know that most of you can show support and give love back….without unnecessary drama and more fluff than needed. And it was a bit sad knowing that we were all sent love and gratitude to. How about giving some love in return? No strings attached, no purchase required, just out of respect.
The most common symbol of love is, well, a heart. I would like everyone who feels like being SUPPORTIVE of John’s decision to leave a heart in response to this entry. Just leave a heart you drew, made and scanned or something similar in comments – images are now enabled.
I don’t like limiting anyone’s creative expression, but here are some basic rules:
– Your heart should not be broken or malfunctioning in any other way.
– Do not write anything directly related to this matter in your heart.
– Do not use something made by someone else.
– No personal messages of any kind – PLEASE. Let’s make it tasteful, and not as if this was a “fan cult”, like someone said in comments to the previous entry.
– If the image’s too big, post a thumbnail linking to it. If you need help on how to do it or on how to post an image in general, this might help you. Check the step 5a for the correct format.
If you don’t follow these rules, your comment will be deleted. If an entry is tasteless or tacky in any way, it will be removed.
There’s no time limit on this, but of course, it would be beautiful to gather as many hearts as possible as soon as possible and be spontaneous instead of planning it. And these hearts won’t go anywhere – they’re staying here. Like a giant message in a bottle, but beating happily, giving some love in return.
<3 P.S. It took me ages to type this out and I'm slightly ashamed/scared. :oops: