Site updates

A completely graphic update

IMPORTANT If you have received *three* notifications instead of one, it’s because the calendar I am using is dumb and it sent notifications instead of just putting John’s birthday and the date for ATP festival on the list. I sincerelly apologise for this mistake.

There are many things ready to be added to this website, but I have decided to split them in two groups: graphic and text. So, graphic was much easier to do and it will be done first.

The talented artist Marina has yet again submitted one more of her wonderful drawings for the fanart section. This time it features her own vision of the John photo from the BSSM sleeve, so check it out:)

As for me, I have made two new wallpapers for you guys to use, available in 1024×768 and 800×600 as usual. Get them here. The broken wallpaper links on top have been fixed, btw.

…and as a special treat, mainly dedicated to people who were not lucky enough to see the video yet:
The Past Recedes screencaps

Calendar was updated as well, so 4 more dates should be visible on it when February turns to March;)

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