Site updates
(Re)building Invisible Movement – Seeking Donations for Software Licence and Some HD
Invisible Movement is up and running
Wanna be’s Santa? Our Hosting Bill is cc. $106 Overdue, with Final Notice!
Invisible Movement needs your help, our hosting bill is overdue beyond what is allowed – not much, I promise! Scroll below to see if you can contribute. After years with an unreliable hosting company that kept on getting worse and eventually deleted ALL page thumbnails during the server move process and made the old gallery impossible to use, I have made a much-needed switch to a new host, the world-famous
Raising Funds to a Move to Another Server – NEW, content restoration and fast updates coming!
After fourteen years, the time has come for us to part ways with our current hosting company that is nowhere what it used to be in mid-noughties. We need your donations, no matter how big or small, and lots of cheering in order to transfer as soon as possible. Things are heating up and we want to inform you on everything in a timely manner and never miss a JF-related news again!
- needs you (as always)!
Just like every 14 months, there comes the time for your support. And in the last 14 months we've travelled a longer way than ever before; so sparing a dime after a glorious year that it's been would be like having a toast for the community. Anything is welcome - the board's hosting has been paid in June, this is for the site, board licence and random competition prices.
Invisible Movement version 7…is alive!
New version of the site is finally online, after a considerable amount of downtime. It features pencil drawing by two talented fans, better user experience, easier navigation and a lot more. Some sections have been re-organised, some things are easier to access and the gallery is working again, too.
-’s donation rally 2011
’tis that time of the year again – as every 14 months, Invisible Movement needs your help to cover its hosting costs. It’s been so since 2006 – the contributors, friends of the site & I provide the content, news, archived information et cetera and the visitors and fans provide the buck. So, I’m asking you to spare a dime for another 14 trouble-free months of this website. What will the money be used for? As usual, site’s hosting costs and message board hosting, as they’re not hosted on the same server, yet they’re both resource hogs. Any funds that exceed the required amount will be used for random giveaways,…
Site updates – 14th November 2010
Whoa. It’s been eons since the last classic site update. In fact, it took place on 17th March 2009 and there were many of them planned in the meantime, but it’s been a hectic time so…if you submitted anything to the site between 18th March 2009 and today, it’s either a part of this update or one of the next 3-4 ones. Please, have patience and don’t bug me unless your contribution doesn’t show up by the end of 2010 – in that case, it might have got lost. To those who are mad enough to resend emails every two days – stop it. Please. For those who are new,…
-’s donation & suggestion rally 2010
HEY, EVERYONE, IT’S AN OPEN MIC NIGHT! Sorry to disappoint you, but you are not going to get a chance to sing. More likely, to give some ideas and donate some money. What will the money be used for? As usual, site’s hosting costs and message board hosting, as they’re not hosted on the same server, yet they’re both resource hogs. Any funds that exceed the required amount will be used for random giveaways, to pay the material/commute costs for people who’d film events, if any events come up and similar site-related things. You can donate in a currency of your choice, but remember the difference. Donators of the past…
Here, Air clarification + an(other) Elixor Fixor delay + something new
Since there are a couple of news not really big enough to have news items of their own, they have been combined into a single news, for your convenience. Here, Air clarification As some people noticed, Here, Air, which was on iTunes in USA is no longer there. I contacted Record Collection Music and the nice people there explained that Here, Air was actually never meant to be released as an USA bonus track. It was meant to replace Today as one of the Japanese bonus tracks. However, iTunes had a little hiccup or something and it accidentally became available to USA-based customers. And don’t forget, the other two bonus…
Happy New year 2010 and happy new decade!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all visitors of Invisible Movement! Srećna Nova godina! Buon anno. I mean it and you can listen to it below. [xspf]_start(FALSE, ‘order=89&mode=2’)[/xspf] [xspf]_start(FALSE, ‘order=90&mode=2’)[/xspf] [xspf]_start(FALSE, ‘order=91&mode=2’)[/xspf] I’ll shut up now in all those languages and let you watch this beautiful video from the performance 12, one of the nicest gems that graced our ears in the noughties and a great way to start the noughteens with. On the 05th August of 2004, John played with his friend, the German legend Michael Rother (whose songs you totally have to buy – Katzenmusik album is breathtaking, so is the song Reiselust!) and Josh Klinghoffer jumped in, too. Beautiful,…