(Re)building Invisible Movement – Seeking Donations for Software Licence and Some HD
Invisible Movement is pretty much alive. I spent the last couple of weeks figuring out the problem with the domain displaying a blank page, fixing all I could, renewing some contacts and gathering A LOT of magazine scans to update the gallery with. Currently, I am listening to I and II as well as catching up with everything that happened during the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ tour, expecting to have this site completely up to date by the next leg thereof. Isn’t that exciting? Well, not if you are going to be the one running around like a decapitated chicken trying to find everything that’s missing… oh, wait. It’s fun even then, otherwise I would not be back to doing it.
There will be a post asking you all to chime in with your reviews of the Red Hot Chili Peppers shows of the 2022/2023 tour (and any other, for that matter), but for that to be possible, I first need to update that part of the database in order to make gigography even display. Of course, your photos and videos are fully welcome in the meantime – finally, the gallery will be updated with actual live material. Sometimes I cannot believe that the last couple of years are actually real and that JF is back.
So, for the second time in eight months – this time up and running and with concrete plans regarding Invisible Movement’s future – we are going all Bernie (Kidding, kidding – I’m not even American) and asking you for your donations. Any amount will do, but don’t be afraid of being generous if this website has fed your music addiction over the last nineteen years. (Am I kidding again? Who knows…)
Use our PayPal.me or directly look for the user imnet2004. Do not bother the account owner, please – she is handling this because I had some issues with my account. It’s the Invisimom.
What are we buying?
1. A renewed licence for software called Elementor Pro which is used as the framework atop of WordPress and further customized by those of us who know how to use it. I do have page templates that I have made myself for Invisible Movement ready, on another website which is, much like Invisible Movement, locked in terms of layout until I have obtained Elementor Pro. Once I do have Elementor Pro, I will be changing the look and feel of Invisible Movement and making it more user-friendly for the majority of users who now use mobile devices as their primary means of accessing the internet.
2. A trusted developer’s precious time – a couple of hours’ worth of work to convert some characters that are screwed up, remove the dependency on deprecated version of PHP (which was an ongoing issue for about a month recently), so we don’t have to pay an annoying maintenance fee (which caused the site to be disabled early in July). There are things that a front-end developer like me cannot do herself and needs a hand from somebody doing the backend and the server-side stuff. We already have the developer in mind – a real life friend unrelated to the fandom – he needs to be charged in order to get this done.
3. A backup hard drive. This one is self-explanatory. In order to edit and search stuff that needs to be uploaded or updated I need things to work smoothly. Currently, the computer has the amount of spice that makes the garbage chute on the Death Star look spacious.
4. See the annoying ads in the newsletter? I don’t want those scams there, so a subscription for their plan that removes them is in order. This newsletter system might be temporary, but while it is, I don’t want you folks to be getting ads for snake oil treatments and other nonsense.
5. If there is anything significant left… we renew hosting around New Year’s Day and this will be added to site’s hosting balance.
6. If there is anything insignificant left… I will drink a couple of cold Pepsi Maxes. 🙂
Didn’t understand any of this? tl;dr – we need help obtaining NERD STUFF.
Once again, use our PayPal.me or directly look for the user imnet2004. And don’t write to the email associated with that account – that’s not me, it’s somebody who needs her peace and quiet.
Thanks in advance! <3 Post featured image: Max. Please, say hello to the first-ever Invisicat. The Invisidog is alive and well, but now there is a little kitty, too.