Site updates

  • Guitar Player, April 2009 issue – scanned and typed out

    In some countries, they’re celebrating Hinamatsuri today; in some others, they only remember the inventor of telephone as he was born on 03.03, too. On, we’re embracing the power fo more modern means of communication and the beauty of new media… …in other words, John is featured in yet another magazine that’s out. It’s Guitar Player, April 2009 issue. Many thanks to Gizem who, once again, spotted this and sent the scans by the speed of light. You can see all the pages in the gallery; or by clicking on the individual thumbnails below: 9273992743927469274992752 I have typed out the article already for everyone who likes it as text…

  • Invisible Movement + YFIGTASOF donation rally 2009 is on!

    As the longer-term visitors to this website and its forum probably remember well; Invisible Movement had to move servers in November 2006, in a very delicate moment. A bunch of people donated for the new hosting account. For a variety of reasons, I have decided to fund this website by visitors’ donations once more in March last year; and since it’s gained a lot of popularity in the meantime (e.g. 400% increase in audience), it’s getting harder to maintain and the server costs have doubled when the forum was moved to a different server in order to put an end to the downtimes. I enjoy maintaining the website and, in…

  • New group for site visitors and board members

    Just a short heads-up for everyone who visits and perhaps used to be a member of the group that wonderful ÇaÄŸla created for the old message board. Unfortunately, ÇaÄŸla has no time to maintain the group anymore and, at the same time, the board has as we all know moved to a new server and is now called Your Forum Is Glued To A Site On Fire. Therefore, we now have a new group at this address and you should be approved within a day from joining; as I’m the group leader and, well, I work on the internet and thus I have the time to check on it.…

  • Guitarist Magazine, March 2009 issue

    Guitarist, March 2009 – scanned and typed out

    As of today, the sun is in Pisces; so here’s a dessert for all the fellow Pisces…and others, of course. It’s about a, whatdoyaknow, a Pisces. It looked like nobody in UK who had this magazine owned a scanner and that nobody who owns a scanner could find this magazine. Guitarist staff posted on their blog that the original first stack of the magazine (ironically) burnt down with a lorry and that it’s the reason for its being late in many places, so UK people, perhaps you should wait for a couple more of days and settle with the scans until you have a copy of your own. An enormous…

  • Vintage Guitar Magazine, April 2009 – scanned and typed out.

    Thanks to Biagio who took his time to scan the images in a good resolution, we can now enjoy the Vintage Guitar Magazine April 2009 issue interview with John. You can see all the pages in the gallery or hop to individual pages using the thumbnails below. 926879269192694 926979270092703 And the magazine is too big for a normal scanner, the pages were scanned bit by bit and I merged them as precisely as I possibly could. Of course, it’s not perfect. That’s just another reason to buy the magazine, as it’s totally worth it. As some people said on the board, this is the most-detailed article on John’s equipment in…

  • Translations, transcripts, lyrics translations and usually just a…

    A quick note to everyone who’s using the RSS feed. Please, update the URI in your RSS readers. It’s now, note the 2. Feedburner has moved all of its clients to Google’s servers and from 01st March on, the old address will no longer be functional. I’m not sure if there’ll be any redirections. So, here are some nice updates, all related to The Empyrean, more or less. Transcripts & translations Wonderful Eleni finished the transcript of the Watt From Pedro show and you can read the rest from page seven on. It’s quite a lengthy read. Joh-un and his wife have completed some more of the Guitar Magazine…

  • An apology to board members!

    Due to a huge server issue, board emails might have arrived to some people up to 20 times. And of course, they were meant to arrive only once. I got 20 of them myself, even. So, I apologise for this issue. It’a beyond my power. Just delete them as you’re receiving them; but make sure you’d read one of them, as it’s not spam, it’s a nice message. I’m trying to stop them, as it looks something’s stuck.

  • More from the highest point in heaven…

    …OK, not literally. But it’s a cachy title for a news item with a bunch of updates. The release dates in the sidebar have been updated, according to some people’s suggestions. Given how this has been going on, I can only tell you that I HOPE they’re right. >_< Another thing in the sidebar has changed and it waits for your input. It's a rather obvious poll in which you can select up to three answers. The question is so predicable, that it hurts: what is your favourite song off The Empyrean? Thanks to Eleni Philos, the first part of 25th January episode of The Watt From Pedro podcast featuring…

  • January 2009 roundup and a recommendation

    January is over and it’s been a pretty mad month overall. Whooping 103485 people have visited Invisible Movement and that number would’ve probably been even greater if there wasn’t for the server downtimes due to too much traffic and the day when the bandwidth was eaten within four hours. Either way, THANK YOU and six-digit kudos for this six-digit number of mostly wonderful people; thanks for dropping by. If you’re new and if you weren’t coming to this very corner of the web, welcome. Soooo…given that way too much was going on in January, I thought I’d present you all with a little compilation of all the interesting news and…

  • The Empyrean day @ Invisible Movement – part 4

    And…here’s the last surprise for today. A wallpaper. I did my best not to make it creepy or strange; yet it’s mystical and psychedelic in its own way. It should fit all screens up to 1280×1024, as those are its dimensions. Click to go to its page and download it! That’s it for this little special, but keep your eye for more exciting things within the next days. P.S. There’s no site URI on the wallpaper one of the images has been licenced with a creative commons licence and I feel like having any “advertisment” over it would be unfair.

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