Site updates

  • The Empyrean day @ Invisible Movement – part 3

    The third part is a bit late, but that means the fourth part might be a bit early. So, here it is. The newest review and a digest of all the reviews so far. This one is from Express Night Out. All in a very Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam-like voice, he discusses the role of a higher power on “God” (“You can do what you want, or so you think”), muses over his own importance on “Dark/Light” (“Will you let everyone in on the meaning of life and death / Do you need me, or are you waiting for my last breath?”) and wonders about lost chances on “Enough of Me”…

  • The Empyrean day @ Invisible Movement – part 2

    It’s been four hours since part 1; so here’s part 2 of the Invisible Movement special album release …err…”shower”?! Or a bath, whatev’. Surprise number three are…tabs! A team of great people has been working on tablatures for this album ever since it was out in Japan two weeks ago. And they managed to tab everything within a couple of days. You can view the tabs here. Make sure you read the disclaimer and, if you would like to contribute to this in any way; you’re more than welcome. Oh yes, and this also means that one of the sections that wasn’t available to public now works. It’s anything but…

  • The Empyrean day @ Invisible Movement – part 1

    Isn’t this exciting? ^_^ The Empyrean is out today in the most of world’s countries (Germany, Austria and New Zealand being known exceptions at the moment) and therefore, yet another round of updates is dedicated to it. I decided to do it in a bit different manner and actually, this decision came to me five minutes ago. Throughout the day, according to mostly my timezone (GMT+1/CEST); I shall be posting random little “surprises” directly related to The Empyrean. These little surprises are partly my work/finds and partly work and finds of the wonderful 2800+ people over there at First and foremost, if you still did not get the album,…

  • Two more reviews, credits and minor updates

    As the updates are mostly focused on The Empyrean at the moment, that’s how it is today as well. The album page has been updated and now it’s more neatly organised. A review is coming soon, so don’t be confused by Lorem Ipsum. The rumour mill was moved to a history page and thanks to awesome treznor from the board, there is now a page from album credits. If you’re interested in helping the musicians on the board tab the album, click here. And remember, the list of all the places where you can get the album has been compiled, too. Speaking of the board, its migration has been completed.…

  • Forum Migration

    Given that there have been site access errors due to too much traffic ever since we got into 2009, the decision to move the forum to its own domain was inevitable. So, from now on, the forum will be located at All the registered forum members should have received a notification about this. If you have not received it, check your bulk/spam folders. Also, the old subdomain will be automatically redirecting you to the new domain. All the possible links pointing to wrong locations and other little issues are to be fixed soon. This should reduce traffic on the site itself and keep it up all day long. Also,…

  • Site updates – 28th December 2008

    This is the first half of the last content update in 2008, unless one of the five countries with the right to put veto on a decision in UN decides to delay the start of 2009 until its beginning in the Julian or Chinese calendar. So, yup, such probability comes down to 0,0044 %. The second part of this massive update might come tomorrow. If you’ve ever been stuck in end-of-the-year reviews, you might know how it feels like. More lyrics not transcribed before Some corrections in the discography section A page for visual art More scans from Me And My Friends Off The Map screencaps Orphaned magazine scans from…

  • Site updates – 21st December 2008

    Once again, I’m sorry for the delay regarding the “regular” updates. A bunch of things were happening the last couple of weeks. All I ask of you is not to push when you see that the updates of this kind are not happening for a while. There usually is a good reason for that, or a couple of good reasons. Someone or something might have gotten crippled, someone or something might have died, something could have been broken and in need of a repair…or, why not, all those things at once; which was the case now. So, do enjoy the updates. And horribly overdue music features will be added within…

  • Site updates, 01st December 2008

    Invisible Movement turned four on 24th November (and curiously, the 1000th comment was also posted that day – congrats to Flo!), but there were more things to discuss that day and the day after, too. In web terms, running a website that’s always up to date, with a frightening grow rate, constant hostility kicking in from all possible angles and all possible sides of the world…it all comes down to the fact that four years is like a century. Also, the site has had more than 70 000 unique visitors during November 2008, which is quite an achievement. Thank you all for being so wonderful. Now, first of all, Feedburner…

  • Invisible Movement is now on Twitter

    Given that the server can go down for various reasons – from overload to unoptimised database tables; and that the RSS feed and email notification aren’t a guarantee that you’ll receive all the updates, due to the enormous traffic on the site these days, I have created a Twitter account for Invisible Movement. In case you’re not familiar with Twitter, it’s basically a free service that lets you post short status messages and it is also very reliable. Basically, whenever there’s a new post in the news blog, I will post on Twitter. Whenever the site or the board aren’t accessible for whatever reason, I will post on Twitter. Feel…

  • Site updates, 18th November 2008

    So, the week when a server upgrade was causing a minor chaos on this domain is behind us as well as the week when we all ended up smiling broadly. Regarding the first thing. It took me a lot of time and a bunch of support tickets exchanged with the staff of, but with their help and help of some really kind people from Gallery2 support forums, the issues were resolved and everything is back to normal…for a longer period of time, I hope. On this occasion, many thanks to Peter, Patrik, Julie, Manuel and Scott on one and “nivekiam” on the other side. Thanks for your patience for…

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