
And yet another eBay auction

So, a couple of days ago, there was someone selling one of John’s rare paintings from the dark years. The auction ended with no bids and it’s not known what happened. Now, just when the dust has fallen down, there’s yet another auction. This time, it contains three coloured pencil drawings, one BMI medal from 1993 and a book about RHCP signed by John. Apparently, from what I checked when I saw what pictures are coming from, once again, this guy was just hired to sell the stuff for someone else. He has a whole company for helping people sell their stuff on eBay. Come to think, it was not that long ago when John did an interview answering fans’ questions…and he mentioned that someone was once given some of his paintings to sell, that she managed to sell some, but that he never got the others back. Yet, on this auction, the broker working with the seller is claiming that the seller is someone who’d lived with John for a while in early 90s and who is very sad to get rid of these valuable items. It could be the very same person, who knows? Anyway, the URL for the auction is here and the starting bid is 65 000 US dollars…

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