Site updates

One of the last big site updates in 2005

Here it goes, another “classic” update. There haven’t been many of them recently and I apologise, I have a very important project at work due by the end of 2005 and two heavy university exams in January, which is also the month when all the Ortodox holidays are being celebrated, so I can’t work on this site as much as I would like to. Also, huge apologises to everyone who’s emailed me and all the people who were nice enough to sign the guestbook. I will respond to you and/or thank you as soon as I can, my mailbox is a mess.

Articles section has been updated at last. And there will be more updates to it in the future, maybe even some full, scanned articles, as soon as I think of the right way to sort them. As I don’t have many of them, unfortunately, you’re more than welcome to send some of them to Click here to contact me.

Icons and avatars have been reorganised, for your convinience. From now on, the 100 x 100 pixels icons/avatars will be available here and the 70 x 70 pixels ones here. And…30 new icons have been added to the first and 3 new animated ones to the second category.

Three new wallpapers have been added, done by yours truly. One of them is an alternate, smooth, shiny version of one posted earlier and the other two are a part of my RHCP wallpaper series. If you’re interested in seeing the rest of that series, you can check them in wallpapers section over there.

There are also two new fans’ wallpapers, this time made by Simon. I owe him an apology since he submitted them long, long ago and I forgot to put them here.

A couple of new links have been added to the appropriate section.

Please, be aware that there’s a wee bit of maintenance (upgrading the news system, gallery system, other systems and the guestbook) scheduled for this website during the coming month, so, if you come here and everything’s suddenly broken or password-protected, it’s meant to be that way and it will be done just to make everything better:)

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