A complete makeover
As you can see (I guess it’s pretty obvious), I-M.net has a brand new look yet again. There have been many people who didn’t like the old layout and it was a bit hard to navigate and, according to someone I know who has the third eye for art, a bit too dark. So, I decided to make a new one. Here it is. There are a couple of different head images and they will change randomly while you’re surfing the pages. As for submenus, they will appear on subpages. There are a couple of new features, such as the list of various web-based RSS readers you can add this site’s feeds too; as well as an event calendar, counting down to all the important days.
Hopefully, the new layout and the navigation system are more friendly to Firefox, Opera and those Mac brosers.
The fanart and the “just for the heck of it” pages are currently offline, but they will be back as a part of a new section; which is, at this time, unaccessible from the top-level menu. There might be errors on the site here and there, I’m working on getting everything in order.
As far as the regular site updates are concerned…
The message board has been almost completely customised to match the site’s purpose and theme, go and check it out.
There are two new videos from John’s press-only solo show in Hamburg’s Prinzenbar in 2001; in addition to the existing audio recordings of the very same songs.
I’ve found some more assorted quotes as well and made a bunch of new icons/avatars for you.
Lastly, I would like to thank all of you for having made 14th January 2006 the day with the most visits in the site’s history. The past couple of months have been very good for i-m.net, but yesterday was almost twice as busy, compared to other days. Thanks 😀