The Sunday night update…
…which, naturally, continues onto Saturday evening update. Everyone needs some sleep on weekends.
The gallery reorganisation continues, the next ones to reorganise were the 1970-1987, 1988-1990, 1991-1992, 2000, 2001 and the 2006 pages. 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 will be there as soon as possible. Until then, it’s highly recommended to check the existing galleries…I know what I’m talking about, believe me.:wink:
The fanstuff section has been updated with two of the fans’ poems and some fanart that was supposed to be added, well, months ago. One of those poems has been really published, the author is a writer with a couple of other poetry books in his back catalogue, plus he’s my friend’s father, so I’d suggest you to check it out. The other poem was written by yours truly, sometime last year. There are also three new wallpapers made by people who had already contributed wallpapers to and they seem to be getting better and better….and one by a completely new contributor.
So…have a nice start to the new week.