Site updates

Site updates, 28th April 2006

Whew! Another huge pile of stuff. And things.

I ripped the TV Total interview and performance and made screencaps for you. Also, there’s a video clip of John’s stunning outro solo to Dani California. More stuff related to this event coming soon. now has media from the 23rd April RHCP promo show in Copenhagen as well. Check this page for 8 beautiful photos taken by Frederik. He’s also filmed a couple of clips, I am in the process of editing them at the moment.

If anyone has anything from the Hamburg show on 24th April, which is the only event not covered by any unofficial photos and other material here, it would be very much appreciated.

There’s another wallpaper made by me as well. It has a symbolic meaning: to combine John’s solo career and career in Red Hot Chili Peppers…hence the words “guitar hero” on it.

If there’s any of the recent magazines and/or shows you want to see more of, drop me a line. And be patient, since these are the busiest week in the site’s history so far and you have to remember that I do 90% of things here without anyone’s help.

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