Red Hot Chili Peppers

Inđija show confirmed!!!

As it’s on RHCP ticket site now, it’s, well, obvious that Red Hot Chili Peppers WILL play in InÄ‘ija on 26th June at Green Fest. Do not ask me what Green Fest is, as it is probably held for the first time and I have no clue about it.

I am going to write a guide on how to get to Serbia, where to stay in Beograd (as I realise InÄ‘ija is a VERY small town!), how to arrive to InÄ‘ija, what to eat and blabla and everyone who wants to come to the Green Fest is very welcome and, eventually, we can organise an Invisible Movement party. All the people who are considering coming…well, contact me. I’d be happy to help if I can, as I am obviously very proud that my favourite band and my favourite musician ever are coming to my country.

For now, if you’re interested to know stats about the town, this page will help you. They’re the best-organised municipality in this country and one of the best-organised municipalities in Europe, which is pretty interesting.

Now, everybody excuse me while I scream with happiness!
And, excuse me, but in ya face, you who said this would never happen:p

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