Site updates

Site updates, 08th June 2007

2007 gallery was updated at last!
So, have a look at the following…
15th January, St Paul – by Hyphen
22nd January, Raleigh – by Thomas Welch
03rd March, Champaign – by Hyphen
07th March, Houston – by Don
10th April, Melbourne – by Jenelle Cleary
11th April, Melbourne – by Laura-Marie Gray
17th April, Sidney – by Elisia Mangione
17th April, Sidney – by Meredith Shofield

There are two sets of photos from the Australian tour that have not been completed yet; and some more from 2006 waiting to be added, but there aren’t enough hours in a day. Some of you will agree with me, some won’t.

New magazine scans
Guitar magazine (Japan) – May 2007, thanks to Minako
HoBo magazine, issue 5 [1/2006], thanks to Marian

Downloads status
Misc downloads, audio interviews and snippets are fully functional again:)

I am trying to fix everything as soon as possible, so come back from more tomorrow!

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