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More from Glasgow

As the regulars who went to Glasgow are probably still more resting, here are some nice off-site pics and reviews from the show.

Some wonderful pics…bookmark and check back as, from what I understood, there will be more. have posted a not-so pleasant review.

However, Evening Times says:

Opening with an instrumental jam, the Chilis took every opportunity to show off their virtuoso-like musicianship, with John Frusciante extracting never before heard noises from his guitar.

and also:

Meanwhile, Frusciante dropped to his knees for yet another over the top solo – like the reincarnation of Jimi Hendrix, the riffs just kept coming.

To read the whole review, click here

Oh yes, and if you’re going to Reading and Leeds festivals and are intending to be in the pit, please do record whatever John sings and perhaps intro and outro jams! 🙂

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