RZA gives John two thumbs up for playing for free

In an interview for this week’s issue of Rolling Stone, RZA of Wu-Tang clan was talking about recording 8 Diagrams, and the different principles in the world of hip hop and rock. He praises John, as well as Dhani Harrisson, because they didn’t even ask for a honorar.
What was Dhani Harrison like to work with?
Dhani is superorofessional. Sometimes, to get Ghostface or U-God in the studio, I’ve got to send a car for them – sometimes I have to send money! Dhani paid for his own ticket from London, put himself in a hotel and stayed two days in the middle of doing his own project. He don’t need me. He’s got generations of wealth in this family. Even John Frusciante played for no money. I try to explain that to the hip-hop people, because sometimes we all stuck on this money shit, but if you do music first, money is going to come.
The full magazine cutting can be reached by clicking on the thumbnail. Many thanks to Roberto Campos for the scan.