Site updates, 31st December 2007
It’s snowing and it’s 31st December, the last day of the year. The next time I do one of these, we will be in 2008, so we’re leaving 2007 behind now and how about leaving it with a large update whenever possible? Sounds good to me. Happy New year!
- Magazine articles from 1989 and 2001
- Three new video clips, which were on the week before last week’s playlist
- Three more covers in the audio archive
- Five new albums of screencaps/stills
- A rare magazine scan from 1997
- Three new covers in audio section
- Seven new video files: four interview clips and three live solo songs
- An update on two most recent closed polls and two newer polls
Press archive updates
Alternative Press, November 1989 – This is an old interview with AK and Flea, where they’re talking about the band’s new plans and how the band members are fitting in. They’re mentioning John a lot. At the same time, it is very interesting to see how different everything was back then. I do not recommend this article to young people.
Observer, 04th February 2001 – This is yet another article where John’s “rebirth” and recording of TROWFTD are in focus.
Gallery updates
Screencaps go first this time.
RHCP live in Orlando, 03rd June 2003 (Orlando, FL TD Waterhouse Centre)
RHCP at Rock am Ring, 05th June 2004 *
RHCP at Jonathan Ross show, April 2006
RHCP at Saturday Night Live, May 2006
RHCP at Rock In Rio, 03rd June 2006
RHCP at T In The Park, 08th July 2006
*This one did exist before, but now it’s updated and the screencaps are of better quality. Once again, thanks to amazing Flavia for all these.
The magazine scans section now has a section for 1997 and the first scan to appear there is one from one of the issues of Rockinfreakapotamus, former RHCP-fanclub zine (those were the days…). Enjoy!
Audio updates
Some covers have been added, one from 1998 (06th September), one from 2001 (14th March) and one from 2004 (24th July). Many thanks to Sven for having helped me find two of these.
Video updates
The Kuhinja interview clip can now be downloaded, from here.
MCM interview clips are now online as well, here.
The 2001 solo videos are now working and I have added three clips that used to be there, but of better quality. Go have a look!
Update on polls
I figured out I’ve never announced the results of the Californication poll and the one with people’s opinions on Smile, so here you go.
According to the polls archive the most people (65%) think Californication lawsuit was an OK thing to do. 28% of voters disagree and think it’s a horrible PR stunt; while 7% don’t have a defined opinion on it.
In case of the poll about Smile From, The Streets You Hold, there is a tie! 29% think the album is absolutely OK the way it is and the very same percentage of people would like to see it completely re-recorded now that John’s feeling well and that his vocal abilities have advanced so much. 7% of people find the album unlistenable. 15% of people think it’s an OK album, but that it belongs to the past and that it shouldn’t be revisited in any way. 17% of the visitors have never listened to the album and 3% opted for the bogus joke response.
And, in case you didn’t notice, there are two new polls: one for the best collaboration of 2007 and one about 2008, which is the featured one for a certain period of time. For now, it seems that the most of you expect more of John’s solo stuff in 2008 and that your favourite 2007 collaboration was his work with Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode; but remember: every vote counts.
More in 2008, as said before!