Donation Rally 2008 is on!
The search for volunteer is now over, so, if you received the previous update on this together with this one, feel free to discard it.
There have been three candidates who have applied to help with gathering donations and I’m more than thankful to them. However, as a friend is gathering donations for his own website (many things from which end up on Invisible Movement as well), I thought it would be the best choice.
So, click this button to donate money for the next fourteen months of’s hosting. The goal is aproxx. 100 Euros / 150 $ / 76 GBP and, IF more than needed is gathered eventually, it will be used for future hosting payments or, if needed, script purchase and similar things that could benefit the visitors of Invisible Movement.
You should be able to donate if you have a Visa or Master card, even without a PayPal account, given that you’re from an eligible country.
[donation]Also, make sure you email me if you donated and tell me who you are, so I can put you on the donators’ list. Last time I didn’t get back to everyone as I was on dial-up, working on my Vienna excursion and first-ever project as I was freshly hired; for which I apologise. This time I promise to thank everyone personally.