
Web bands for supporting Ataxia reunion campaign!

A couple of people asked what was the thing in the top left corner of the page…well, I made it, I was testing it out and, as of today, it’s another way of promotion the Ataxia reunion petition. It’s really simple and you don’t have to be the world’s greatest web designer to insert it onto your web page…

…it doesn’t even have to be a page, it can even be your Myspace profile!

So, that said, click here to get a web band for your website or here> to get a web band for your Myspace page, LiveJournal or any other place where Javascript is not allowed. It’s a piece of cake to put it up; either way it will take you only 30 seconds or so.

If you want to show off your brand spaning new web band in the Hey, look, I did it, too; style…well, reply to this news item. ^_^

And, some reminders:
– The most important thing is to sign the petition on the website itself. Supporting a cause on Myspace or Facebook is not enough.
– Please, supply your REAL name when signing. It’s a petition and your parents definitely did not name you Niandra LaDes.

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