
Number ten is getting closer and closer.

The following news is coming from a source that is NOT official, but the source guarantees that it’s true. However, do calm down before this is confirmed.

A person who would like to stay anonymous spoke to John this month and had an opportunity to hear some of the future solo album, the one people often refer to as “Solo X” and here is the info on what the album will be like.

  1. There are ten songs, one of which is an instrumental and one of which is a cover song.
  2. “John is singing like never before”.
  3. There is only one word in its title.

So, I hope this will keep everyone who asked about the album happy for a while. And now that you know something more about John’s upcoming album; please do take a couple of minutes to sit down and think of how happy your life is and how you should be grateful for things being OK. On that note, please join me in sending the good vibes to the anonymous person who provided me, and now you, with all this information: as they’re not at their best, health-wise and they need all the support they could have. Thank you.

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