Red Hot Chili Peppers

Justice set to produce the 10th RHCP album?

As quotted on In The, Pedro “Busy P” Winter could be linked with producing the next RHCP album.

No longer managing France’s most famous electronic music duo, Daft Punk, Busy P’s attentions have no doubt turned towards growing his Ed Banger empire. And, what better way to do that than by getting his biggest signing to date – Justice – to work with one of the world’s most gigantically enormous rock bands?

Apparently RHCP’s frontman Anthony Kiedis has been a fan of Justice for quite some time, using their music as the perfect warm-up before he stages to the stage. For that reason, the rumour that Justice would produce the band could have some weight to it. However the fact we can’t find any confirmation of it anywhere tells us it could just be wishful thinking… at this stage anyway.

You can listen to Busy P’s podcast on, if you click here.

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