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More photos and a review from the 05th September improvisation

Two more sets of photographs and one review of the Troubadour improvisation have been added to the site. Please, click on the thumbnails to see the full albums. The second one is the work of Tony Kandalaft and the first one of Tara.

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And here is Tara’s review* of that great night!
*Will be on the gigography page once it’s up again.

I got there a little after 8pm. stood around for about 45 min, then the Warpaint girls came in and were talking to fans and friends, followed by John and then Josh… they all went upstairs to get ready and settled.

The first band WEAVE! came on at about 9:00pm. John kept walking back and forth and then stopped and stood by the girls from Warpaint, who were watching the band from the crowd, for a while, then went back upstairs…

Then Warpaint came on.
I think they were probably on for maybe approx. 20min-30min? John was working the sound for their set…

While that was going on, my mum was standing in the back and all of a sudden Flea was standing beside her and they exchanged greetings (my mum came with me because she’s the one who got me into RHCP at the age of 4, lol, and none of my other friends are into seeing live bands, so, yeah…).

Then it was time for John, Flea, Josh, and Stella to perform. Man, everyone whipped out their cameras. It was all pure improv, and it was amazing! They were probably on for about 1hr or so. Then when they were finished they just took off upstairs. And I believe it was John’s guitar tech and some people i recognized from the Off The Map and roadwork DVDs who started tearing down the stage and packing up.
All in all it was a GREAT jam. simply amazing!

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